
Showing posts from July, 2018

Understanding the Share Price

The Price of 1 share of MRF is Rs 76,650 The Price of 1 Share of Eicher Motors is Rs 27,000 The Price of 1 share of  Maruti Suzuki is Rs 9,300 The Price of  1 share of TVS Srichakra is Rs 3031 The Price of 1 Share of Colgate is Rs 1100  The Price of 1 share of State Bank of India is Rs 260  What does all this mean?  As indicated by Share Price alone  Does it mean that MRF is costly and Maruti is cheaper?  Does this mean that State Bank of India is smaller than Maruti?                          The share price is face of the share market. Share price is the first thing that anybody who comes to stock markets sees first. This person may not know anything about the Stock markets, He -may not know Market Capitalization, may not know Gross Profit Margins, may not know bottom line, may not know top line but he will know the Price of most of these shares.  ...

Wealth Creators - Episode 3

                                           In the two episodes of Wealth Creators so far we have seen how a IT behemoth made huge wealth even for novices like us. Then we followed it up with a Paint company that gave humongous   returns to its investors. This week again we will look at a similar business that is so common and famous yet made gargantuan wealth for its investors. Just to not bore you with numbers all the time and to flaunt our vocabulary, lets now look at the return that these companies have made in English! Yes in English!  But before we go on and get to know what the company is, let us 1st reveal a secret about great companies, It is their promoters. The success or the failure of the companies is highly tied to its promoters. Promoters are generally the Owners of the business and also often times the majority stake holders. Promoter...

Making a 18% Return on your Investments

                                  We are here to help your money make more money. But can money make more money all by itself? No, It can never, the world never runs on auto mode, you need somebody to run it all the time. So who is going to make your money work harder so that it makes you more money? It is, of course you!   So today we are going to teach you a very simple and very easy way to make a 18% return on your money.  But before that lets understand what a 18% return on money would do your wealth.  Basically you are paying yourself 13 months salary in a 12 month year, good to have extra month salary without actually "working" for it right?  If you are wondering that next we will ask you to invest in equities, no we are not! Remember we told very simple & easy? Equities are not so simple/easy, there are labors of pain you have to go through before equities mak...

Being financially FIT!

Most of us give a serious thought to physical fitness only when we cross the 60% of life milestone or when we are forced to be FIT post a medical diagnosis. For instance, I have seen many people who does not care about anything and live a junk lifestyle and one fine day when the unfortunate event occurs such as diagnosis of diabetics or any other, only then their blood, veins, heart and brain starts thinking about having a better and healthy lifestyle. The significance of physical fitness comes first as one grows older, as one cannot ignore it to lead a healthier life. So is the financial fitness. We pay attention only when there is a need, be it health or wealth. A typical Indian life cycle is all-simple. Learn, earn and retire. It all starts from the day you are born, your parents decides what you wanted to become. You get your graduation completed, have a job, get married, and then you want to buy a home as early as possible on EMI. In between, we never ever think whethe...