Gold, Media & Investors
Ever since the Gold started soaring my twitter timeline is filled with Social media "experts" calling out Gold as winner against Amar, Akbar & Anthony, i.e., Stocks, debts & Real Estate. Okay, so I now switched on to News Channel and they too were running headlines like - "Gold outshines bla bla..." I was like - Ye Tu, Brute? We thought that this too shall pass. But then started a galore of news pieces that called the doom for most of other asset classes. We said, enough, lets try and add some common sense to this non-sense! The 1st thing that we noticed is that the 20 Year returns of Gold is shown against the 20 Year returns of Equities. So it looks like this - So Yes over 20 Years looks like Gold has given better returns than Equities. But wait this is a twisted narrative. To know why lets press the rewind button and go to 1997. In 1997, the Price of Gold was Rs 5100 and Nifty was trading @ 998. Between 1997 to ...