You Don't Know Your Term But For Sure Your Term is Limited
Of course, we want to bring some fascinating information and deliver the same to you every weekend. So that you read it, love it, read it again, get inspired and get ready for a hectic working week ahead. But how much ever polite the Doctor might be, if the medicine is bitter then bitter it shall taste! Alright so what is all this about? Last week was eventful but in un-wish-able way. We wanted to do this blog but not with the way, we are doing. The week that went by bought some news that made me sit and think about it. More so to reflect that as a blog for our readers. 1. Tuesday Morning I had 7 missed calls from the same number. One of my close friends called me to inform demise of Another Friend's mother. 2. Wednesday afternoon I got a message of a certain acquaintance passing away. This gentleman had some influence in my life, he gave me critical advice to me at difficult times in life, they have he...