Interim Budget - 2024
We promised to bring you the Chapter#2 of the Why Investing is easy but in the interim, Government published the Interim Budget and I think its reasonable that our readers expect us to write about it and we write about it. So Chapter#2 can wait... Here's the News from the Interim Budget. “ If it ain't broke, don't fix it.” The Government has not done much mumbo-jumbo in the budget and there is hardly anything for middle class as such. Things look far better now than they were in the past and good thing is Government not trying to tinker things, that are working fine, just for the sake for some "Budget-drama". Where does that leave us? If you have been reading our budget blogs , you will appreciate the fact that we always want to give a personal touch to what the take aways from the Budget! Take Away# 1 Fix it if its Broken This is so much in contrary ...