Is ONE CRORE too big to achieve!

                                         We have been going around telling everybody that at Droplet Wealth, our wish is to make at least 100 people Crorepathis. Interestingly, we found that a lot of people believe that this is something beyond their achievable corpus, something that is unrealistic   

   On the contrary, we believe that this is a very small number and also needs to treated merely as the 1st step towards Financial Freedom or healthy retirement. In this blog, we will try to give this One crore a perspective from Indian equity market point of view. Why Equity? Because we believe this is the easiest and safest way to reach there! 

                              Below is the table of top 3 Companies of India and their total worth. 


                                              The Market cap is in Crores and if you read the total correctly, it comes to Thirty five lacs fourteen thousand two hundred and forty six crores only. And this is only the top 3 companies in the Equity Market. If we take the total Market cap of the Indian Equity market, It is 72,00,000 Crores. Yes you read it right. Now coming back to 1 crore retirement corpus that we want you to make and that you think is unrealistic. The one crore is only .00003% of the Top 3 companies in our country or .00001 % of the all the companies in our country. Mind you, we are just speaking about Indian Markets. Apple's Market cap alone is 50,00,000 crores, then there is Amazon, Facebook, Microsoft... 

                      The message that we want to pass on is that it is very easy to make 1 crore from stock market and we need not be fretted by it. Because this is such a minuscule amount  relative to the opportunity the stock market has. All we need is willingness to sign up for that corpus and long term discipline to reach the 1st step of Healthy Retirement life. 

For financial planning and investment-related queries, write to us at or call us at 9962399924 / 9551373455. Visit our website -    


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