Savings, You (can't) WON'T Do It!
Let us tell you something. It is not just the money that you invest helps you build the wealth nor the returns. It is the habit of savings that you make. Wealth created over the years can be destroyed faster than it is earned. What makes you wealthier & stay wealthy is; the rate of savings and the spending that you make. It may look hard-hitting but that’s the truth. One does not really need to have a sky scorching income to become wealthy, but should have the habit of higher savings and investing the same in appropriate asset classes that give better returns. Think before you spend – More savings meaning lower spending. By slowing down your expenses your bank balance balloons up. Moreover, the savings varies between people, for someone a rupee of 1,000 saved will differ from another. Stick to your basics of spending. Rise in income leads to rise in expense – ...