Wealth Creators - Episode 4

A IT company, A Paint Company, A Bank and what now? Look around your house, You will find one. Above the Air conditioner that conditions the temperature of your room, near that LED TV, may be next to the refrigerator... That Saucer plate like thing gadget that guards your electrical appliances from the shocks by stabilizing the power supply.. Please guess what I am talking about! Okay, Here is another clue - Oh yeah! The Stabilizer and today's Wealth Creator is V-Guard Industries. I myself did not know so much about this company until my Ex-Manager popped up this name. This is his Ex-company. Ex-Manager's Ex-Company, Weird ?! ? Aaargh! A Look into the history of V-Guard - Started in 1977, when Kochouseph Chittilappilly set out to build a brand in the Indian electric and electronic goods industry Started with a small manufacturing unit for voltage stabilizers, a capital of Rs.100,000 and two employees the company now has over 5...